February Online Seminar
Wednesday 23rd 7:30pm - 9:30pm
Start your HSC year off on the right foot with our Online Seminar. Designed for parents and Year 11 & 12 students to prepare you for success in the HSC. Hear from experts on ways to help you excel and learn helpful tips on how to create and maintain a supportive environment
March Live Seminars
March 2022
Join us for Year 11 & 12 focused subject sessions. Delivered by highly qualified HSC teachers with years of HSC marking experience, exam committee involvement, who are experts in their respective fields.
July Live Seminars
July 2022
Learn how to excel in your trial and HSC exams from our Trial Preparation Lectures. Run by senior teachers and exam markers, these sessions give you insight into how to increase your exam marks.
September Live Seminars
September 2022
Sit with our expert HSC teachers and exam markers for a full day in the lead-up to your exams with our HSC Workshops. Practice skills, revise the content and gain the confidence necessary to achieve your potential.

Put the best results into your own hands
HSC4Me is the all-in-one study app that will gives your results a boost. Across all core units, access interactive quizzes, full subject summaries, webinars, videos, exemplar responses, and much more!
PDHPE on HSC4Me covers both core modules Health Priorities in Australia & Factors Affecting Performance, and the popular option topics Improving Performance & Sports Medicine.